February 4, 2022
During March 2022, members will be receiving an invitation to participate in a member survey. The SRA Board of Directors has engaged Insightrix Research from Saskatoon to assist us with the survey.
We have not asked for your view on your interests since 2017 and we think it’s important that the SRA membership have regular opportunities to provide us with feedback about current services, future expectations and your overall experiences dealing with our organization and volunteers.
The survey will have several themes as we are curious to learn about ideas you may have related to our efforts to provide the health and dental benefits, pension preservation and our advocacy activities in conjunction with the SK Seniors Mechanism, related to home supports and positive ageing.
Watch for more announcements in the next few weeks as we are currently working with our Committees, GMS and Insightrix to create the survey.
We need your participation and cooperation so we can continue to build the SK Retirees Association to better understand your expectations for our future together!
Categories: Document Archives