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August 4, 2016


Across Canada, retirees are using their skills and spare time to make their communities better places to live.

Research tells us volunteer work that makes people feel valued and allows them to see a positive impact, while requiring moderate commitment, results in the highest level of satisfaction for the volunteers themselves. The benefits of volunteering also extend to improved physical, intellectual and emotional health including cognitive functioning.

Volunteering allows older adults to stay active in their communities and build their social networks. As a result, older volunteers often speak of a stronger sense of identity and well-being, found to lead to a higher level of physical activity and quality of life.

Volunteering has also been connected with positive effects on a variety of health conditions. Older adults find that volunteering helps better adjustment to the many changes that occur as we age. Volunteering has been linked to improvements in symptoms related to depression and even delayed mortality.

The challenge is to find a worthy cause in your community and pitch in. Your head, heart and health will all thank you for it!