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March 30, 2015

SRA Update

Who’s Doing What Online? More and more retirees are going online these days according to Statistics Canada studies. But what are they doing while connected? The most common Internet application among those both under and…

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February 5, 2015

Lifelong Vibrant Living

A conference presented by Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism   Registration Deadline: March 20, 2015 Venue: Wesley United Church, 3913 Hillsdale St., Regina Keynote Speaker: Joan McCusker Registration $25.00   View event poster (PDF) >>

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November 18, 2014

Seniors Struggle with Debt

Canada’s growing group of senior citizens is carrying more debt into retirement and increasingly declaring bankruptcy according to a report prepared for the federal government by The Strategic Council for the Financial Consumer Agency of…

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September 9, 2014

Go Ahead – Indulge!!

Sometimes it’s good to be bad! It sharpens your brain, it protects your heart or it reduces your risk of diabetes. Is it a break-through medication? A no-nonsense health regime? Think again. Believe it or…

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June 30, 2014

High Carbs = Brain Drain

Based on a study completed by the Mayo Clinic, over four years with 1233 people aged between 70-89 years, a diet high in carbohydrates was seen as having an adverse affect on brain function. Unfortunately,…

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